Seven a.m. Six a.m. Six a.m. Six a.m.

And that’s just part of my teaching schedule this week. There was a time, not so long ago, this would have sounded horrifying to me. But it’s actually kind of fun in a weird way teaching yoga first thing in the morning, even when you get in the car to go and it’s 35 degrees outside—there actually was ice on my windshield yesterday morning.

People are in a good mood when they get there. Their day hasn’t “gotten to them” yet, which is a simple result of math. There just isn’t enough time at 6:00am to get all pissed of about stuff like the election or Donald Trump’s pompousness or all the annoying traffic. There is no traffic at 5:30. None.

Here’s the downside: trying to go back to sleep after coming home with coffee and cronuts, after going on Facebook and CNN and doing whatever. Or not going to sleep. You end up screwed either way. And cranky. Believe me. And your dog doesn’t understand, she has no idea where you’ve been, but you curl up with her on the couch while the TV is on and they’re talking about Mr. Trump and the newest stupid thing he said and you’re either like “oh my god, this guy could be president one day and we’re all going to hell” or you fall back asleep.

Written by Anne Clendening
Anne Clendening was born and raised in L.A. She's a yoga teacher, a writer and occasionally slings cocktails in a Hollywood bar. She could eat chocolate cake for every meal of the day. She has a huge fear of heights and flying. And fire. She wishes she could speak French, play her guitar better and make cannoli. She's probably listening to The Dark Side Of The Moon right now, kickin’ it with her boxer dog and her hot Australian husband ★