I Love You, Ronda Rousey

We said we weren’t going to order the Ronda Rousey fight last night. Her last three UFC fights lasted a total of 64 seconds. It’s a waste of money, we said. Like $3 a second.

But there’s something epic about Rowdy Ronda. She’s done something no one else has ever done. Because of her, the UFC opened up fighting between chicks. Chicks who headline. Chicks who brawl. I never thought I’d care, but she’s cool. She’s gorgeous. She’s epic.

So we order it. I avoided the internet Saturday night while I waited for my husband to get home from work, which wasn’t until after 3:00am. I almost wanted to go to sleep and watch it in the morning. But if you averaged out the last three fights and went with that, it might only be 21 a second fight. So we watched.

You should’ve touched gloves, girl. I love ya, but c’mon. This isn’t Three O’Clock High. It’s not you and the school bully out in the parking lot.

I can’t say I surprised she lost, or she didn’t look like shit and kind of drunk, or she was too cocky or whatever. And I can’t say I feel all that bad. It’s a fight. She lost. People have not been very nice about it. Sunday MMA 24/7 reposted this on thier Facebook:

On my Facebook I see many people critiquing Rousey. I just want to say the girl won a bronze medal in the Olympics. She was literally flat broke living in a dump worked her ass off became a world champion and a positive role model for young girls. Maybe you saw her a s cocky but her job is to win fights so you beter believe confidence can be seen as cocky. She made a fortune as an athlete and never had to make a sex tape to gain popularity or show her body in a distasteful way. She has my respect as well as any and all female fighters who work hard and conduct themselves with repect. Great fight!

Yup. I almost hope there’s no rematch. If she lost again then I’d really feel bad.

Written by Anne Clendening
Anne Clendening was born and raised in L.A. She's a yoga teacher, a writer and occasionally slings cocktails in a Hollywood bar. She could eat chocolate cake for every meal of the day. She has a huge fear of heights and flying. And fire. She wishes she could speak French, play her guitar better and make cannoli. She's probably listening to The Dark Side Of The Moon right now, kickin’ it with her boxer dog and her hot Australian husband ★