Xmas Eve Eve

December 23rd. Dupar’s for a cherry pie with the criss cross pattern. Trader Joe’s for food and stuff. Already wrapped presents (so not like me). Almost two hour drive to get to the cousin’s in Ventura. Worth it. She and her husband have a new backyard with a fire pit thingie filled with sand and it looks like the sand is on fire. It’s OK, her husband is a fireman, I’m sure it’s safe. My husband drinks whiskey with him while I talk to my cousin about Ronda Rousey. Vegas here we come in June! Family talk, dinner, a round of gifts and white elephant, which can be very, very stressful. We come home with a bunch of stuff including a “selfie stick” at 10:45pm to relieve our dogsitter, who we then stay up late with laughing about a movie I was an extra in circa 1988. I will probably never post the tragicness of my four seconds on film.

Written by Anne Clendening
Anne Clendening was born and raised in L.A. She's a yoga teacher, a writer and occasionally slings cocktails in a Hollywood bar. She could eat chocolate cake for every meal of the day. She has a huge fear of heights and flying. And fire. She wishes she could speak French, play her guitar better and make cannoli. She's probably listening to The Dark Side Of The Moon right now, kickin’ it with her boxer dog and her hot Australian husband ★